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Latest Well-being News

Learn why personal training & massage therapies combined might be the best option for you.

5 Clinically Proven Massage Benefits

Here are the top 5 clinically proven health benefits of massage treatments. Have a read through them, then book a treatment for yourself!


Many studies have linked massages to improved functioning of the immune system. In one 2010 study, massage was shown to improve production of white blood cells which fight against disease. The same study was repeated with a focus on how massage effects hormone levels and it showed that people who had Swedish massage twice a week had decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol and more oxytocin, the trust hormone.


A relaxing massage can reduce anxiety, stress and depression. As I mentioned previously, massage has been proven to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This improves your overall feeling of well being and can reduce blood pressure. Massage can also increase levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which is great for people suffering from depression.


A study published in Science Translational Medicine in 2012 found that massage greatly relieves sore muscles after physical exercise. Just 10 minutes of massage can reduce inflammation and help your body recover more quickly.


A 2011 study of lower back pain published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that Swedish massage or deep tissue massage can help alleviate chronic lower back pain. After receiving 1 massage a week for 10 weeks, 1 out of 3 patients were relieved of pain compared to 1 in 25 given ‘usual care’.

A 2006 study published in the American Archives of Internal Medicine showed that frequent massages could decrease stiffness and pain and improve movement in people with osteoarthritis.


Even insomniacs may find it easier to get a good night’s rest after a Spa Experience massage treatment. Some people even fall asleep while they are being massaged! Many studies have addressed this phenomenon and accredit it to massage’s affect on delta waves, which are the brain waves associated with deep sleep.

Diet changes that you can stick to

Keep it simple! Thats the key word for this write up.

Now when it comes to diet, many people freak out and picture themselves totally restricted, and focus on what they cannot have, when actually they are making the big mistake of not thinking what they could be achieving!

Never forget why you want to achieve your goal. wether it be losing some body fat, building those bulging muscle's, strengthening that core and so on. Visualise your goal, picture it, feel how it feels to have achieved that goal.. feels good right? Now go get it, what are you waiting for?!

So here are just a few simple basic tricks and tips you can  use and then  there really is no excuse, you have the tools!

1. Control your carbohydrates intake (Too many and fat will store for sure)

2. Eat a moderately high protein and fibre diet (This will keep you full and help recovery)

3. Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water a day (This can keep you fuller and more energised= more energy= less cravings)

4. switch Table salt for Sea salt ( You will not hold water retention with natural sea salt, table salt has added iodine)

5. Get your good fats in ( Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Omega's)

6. Keep the saturated fats moderately low

7. avoid processed foods this will make you hold a tonne of unwanted excess water weight due to the additives ( If man made it, don't touch it!)

8. Eat your greens!

9. Fruits are good for you, just limit your intake and opted for lower GI fruits)

10. If you are a caffeine beast, keep the intake moderate (Too much and you can set off your cortisol stress hormone and that = cravings)

11. As stated above, eat enough fibre ( Especially when eating carbohydrates as it will slow the carbohydrate break down= less likely to store fat.

So there's just a few little tip's that will help as some basic key rules to dieting.

Using Massage to Compliment your Training


Massage strokes when applied lightly such as in MLD (Manual Lymphatic Drainage) will encourage the body to eliminate toxins and lactic acid, which are produced during intense training.


During intense exercise the body will endure high amounts of strain on the muscles. For muscle tissue to grow, muscle fibers must first be broken down in order for the body to build bigger stronger muscle tissue. To achieve this, muscle tissue requires extra amounts of nutrients and oxygen, which massage can help deliver.


Massage can increase muscle performance in a number of ways. When muscles are hypertonic they cannot perform at their best. As muscles tighten, they shorten creating an ischemic reaction (a lack of blood supply to the area), which will interfere with muscle performance. Deep tissue massage can help dissolve the tightness allowing the muscle fibers to perform at their best. Massage will also improve blood flow, flushing muscle tissue with oxygen and nutrients to enhance performance.


Massage, in particularly a style that incorporates stretching, can help increase the flexibility of a muscle. Joints will also benefit by achieving greater range of motion thus minimising future injuries. Fascia, which is a form of connective tissue that envelops the muscles and acts a second skin, will also become more pliable which will considerably improve flexibility.


Massage strokes increase the blood supply to muscles. The extra blood flow will bring oxygen, water and nutrients so the body can build extra muscle tissue. It will also enhance waste disposal.


Whether pain is experienced through an injury or simply over training, it can be debilitating. Remedial massage can form an important part of the rehabilitation process. Gentle modalities like MFR (Myofascial Release) or MET (Muscle Energy Technique) can be highly beneficial as they can be introduced quite early in the rehabilitation protocol.


As muscles become overly tight or hypertonic there is a greater chance of injury. A skilled massage therapist will be able to identify the areas of hypertonicity and release the taut bands of muscle, will improve performance, sleep patterns and overall health.

#8 Train Harder and Longer

Massage can help minimise the effects of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). An experienced therapist can help decrease the discomfort experienced with DOMS which will allow the athlete to train more often, for longer periods.

Rehabilitation Personal Training

Rehabilitation Personal Training: What You Need to Know


Rehabilitation personal training is a type of personal training that is specifically designed to help people recover from injuries or illnesses. It can help people regain their strength, mobility, and function, and can also help them prevent future injuries.


There are many benefits to rehabilitation personal training. Here are a few of the most notable:

• Increased motivation and accountability. One of the biggest benefits of rehabilitation personal training is that it can help you stay motivated and accountable. When you have a personal trainer, you have someone who is there to cheer you on, push you, and help you stay on track.

• Improved form and technique. Personal trainers can help you improve your form and technique, which can help you avoid injuries and get the most out of your workouts.

• Varied and challenging workouts. Personal trainers can create a variety of workouts that are challenging and keep you engaged. This helps to prevent boredom and plateaus.

• Personalized attention. Personal trainers can provide you with personalized attention that you may not get in a group fitness class. This can help you address any specific fitness concerns you may have.

• Support and guidance. Personal trainers can provide you with support and guidance as you work towards your fitness goals. They can help you troubleshoot any problems you may encounter and offer encouragement when you need it.


If you are looking for a way to recover from an injury or illness, rehabilitation personal training is a great option. Personal trainers can help you create a personalized workout plan, provide you with motivation and support, and help you avoid injuries.

Call to action:

If you are interested in trying rehabilitation personal training, I encourage you to find a qualified personal trainer in your area. Rehabilitation personal training can be a great way to recover from an injury or illness and improve your overall health and fitness.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when considering rehabilitation personal training:

• Make sure you find a qualified personal trainer. Rehabilitation personal trainers should have a certification from a reputable organisation.

• Be clear about your goals. When you first meet with your personal trainer, be sure to discuss your goals and expectations. This will help your trainer create a workout plan that is tailored to your needs.

• Be patient. Rehabilitation can take time. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Just keep working hard and you will eventually reach your goals.

Sports Massage Health Benefits

Sports massage health benefits

Sports massage is a type of massage that is specifically designed to help athletes recover from exercise and prevent injuries. It is a gentle, yet effective way to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and increase flexibility.

There are many health benefits to sports massage, including:

• Improved circulation: Sports massage helps to increase blood flow to the muscles, which helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. This can help to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation.

• Reduced muscle tension: Sports massage helps to break up muscle knots and adhesions, which can cause pain and stiffness. This can help to improve range of motion and flexibility.

• Increased flexibility: Sports massage helps to lengthen the muscles, which can improve range of motion and flexibility. This can help to reduce the risk of injury.

• Improved recovery: Sports massage can help to speed up the recovery process after exercise. This can help athletes to get back to training sooner.

• Reduced stress: Sports massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety. This can help to improve overall health and well-being.

Sports massage is a safe and effective way to improve athletic performance and overall health. It is a great way to recover from exercise, prevent injuries, and reduce stress.

If you are an athlete or someone who is active, sports massage may be a good option for you. 

Taping And Strapping

Taping and strapping are two common methods of providing support and stability to injured or weak joints. Taping involves using a thin, elastic tape to wrap around the joint, while strapping involves using a thicker, more rigid tape to provide more support.

Taping and strapping can be used for a variety of injuries, including:

  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Tendinitis
  • Bursitis
  • Fractures
  • Post-surgical rehabilitation

Taping and strapping can also be used to improve athletic performance by providing support and stability to joints that are prone to injury. For example, taping the ankle can help to prevent ankle sprains, while taping the knee can help to prevent knee injuries.

There are a few different types of tape that can be used for taping and strapping. The most common type of tape is athletic tape, which is a thin, elastic tape that is designed to provide support and compression. Other types of tape that can be used for taping and strapping include:

Kinesiology tape: This type of tape is designed to provide proprioceptive feedback to the muscles and joints.

Cohesive tape: This type of tape is designed to provide more rigid support than athletic tape.

Zinc oxide tape: This type of tape is designed to provide a protective barrier to the skin.

The type of tape that is used will depend on the specific injury or condition that is being treated.

Taping and strapping should only be done by a qualified healthcare professional. If you are not sure how to apply tape or if you have any questions about taping and strapping, please consult with your doctor or physical therapist.

Here are some of the benefits of taping and strapping:

Provides support and stability to injured or weak joints

Helps to prevent further injury

Improves athletic performance

Reduces pain and inflammation

Speeds up recovery time

Here are some of the risks associated with taping and strapping:

If the tape is applied incorrectly, it can cause pain, inflammation, and numbness.

Tape can restrict range of motion.

Tape can irritate the skin.

Tape can come undone during activity.

If you have any concerns about the risks of taping and strapping, please consult with your doctor or physical therapist.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is a type of massage therapy that focuses on releasing tension in the fascia, the thin layer of tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs. Fascia can become tight and restricted due to injury, overuse, or stress. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Myofascial release can help to loosen the fascia and improve movement and function.

There are a variety of techniques that can be used for myofascial release, including:

Deep tissue massage


Trigger point therapy

Percussion therapy

Vibration therapy

The technique that is used will depend on the specific area of the body that is being treated and the severity of the pain.

Myofascial release is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including:

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial pain syndrome

Myofascial release can also be used to improve athletic performance by increasing range of motion and reducing muscle tension.

If you are considering myofascial release, it is important to find a qualified therapist who is experienced in this type of massage therapy. You should also be aware that myofascial release can be uncomfortable at times, but the benefits are often worth it.

Here are some of the benefits of myofascial release:

Reduces pain and inflammation

Improves range of motion

Increases flexibility

Speeds up recovery from injury

Improves athletic performance

Reduces stress

Promotes relaxation

If you are experiencing pain or stiffness in your muscles, myofascial release may be a helpful treatment option. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist to see if myofascial release is right for you.

Benefits Of Assisted Stretches

Assisted stretching is a type of stretching that uses a partner or a piece of equipment to help you stretch your muscles further than you would be able to on your own. This type of stretching can be beneficial for people of all ages and fitness levels, but it is especially helpful for people who have tight muscles or who are recovering from an injury.

There are many benefits to assisted stretching, including:

Increased flexibility: Assisted stretching can help to increase your range of motion and make it easier to move your body. This can be helpful for people who have tight muscles or who are recovering from an injury.

Reduced pain: Assisted stretching can help to reduce pain in the muscles and joints. This is because it helps to increase blood flow to the area and to release tension in the muscles.

Improved athletic performance: Assisted stretching can help to improve your athletic performance by increasing your range of motion and flexibility. This can help you to move more freely and efficiently during exercise.

Reduced stress: Assisted stretching can help to reduce stress by promoting relaxation and improving circulation. This can be helpful for people who are feeling stressed or anxious.

If you are interested in trying assisted stretching, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, it is important to find a qualified partner who can help you stretch safely and effectively. Second, you should start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your stretches over time. Finally, it is important to listen to your body and stop stretching if you feel pain.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of assisted stretching:

Find a qualified personal trainer/partner who can help you stretch safely and effectively.

Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity of your stretches over time.

Listen to your body and stop stretching if you feel pain.

Focus on your breathing and relax your muscles during your stretches.

Hold each stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Repeat each stretch 2-3 times.

Stretch 2-3 times per week.

Assisted stretching is a safe and effective way to improve your flexibility, reduce pain, and improve your athletic performance. If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health and well-being, assisted stretching is a great option.

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage and some of the benefits?

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a gentle form of massage that is used to help the body's lymphatic system drain excess fluid and waste products. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes that help to remove toxins and waste from the body. When the lymphatic system is not functioning properly, it can lead to swelling, inflammation, and other health problems.

MLD is based on the principle of stimulating the lymphatic vessels to contract and move lymph fluid through the body. The massage therapist uses a series of gentle, rhythmic strokes to move the lymph fluid in a specific direction. This helps to increase the flow of lymph fluid and reduce swelling.

There is a growing body of scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of MLD. A systematic review of the literature found that MLD was effective in reducing swelling in people with lymphedema. The review also found that MLD was effective in improving the quality of life for people with lymphedema.

MLD has also been shown to be effective in other conditions, such as:


Scar management

Post-surgical recovery

Sports injuries

Chronic fatigue syndrome


MLD is a safe and effective treatment that can be used to improve the health of the lymphatic system. It is important to note that MLD should only be performed by a qualified therapist.

Here are some of the benefits of MLD:

Reduces swelling

Improves circulation

Helps to remove toxins and waste products from the body

Promotes healing

Improves skin health

Reduces pain and inflammation

Improves quality of life

If you are interested in trying MLD, talk to your doctor or a qualified therapist. They can help you determine if MLD is right for you and recommend a qualified therapist in your area.

Here are some of the limitations of MLD:

It is not a cure for any condition.

It can be time-consuming and expensive.

It is not effective for everyone.

Overall, MLD is a safe and effective treatment that can be used to improve the health of the lymphatic system. It is important to talk to your doctor or a qualified therapist before trying MLD to determine if it is right for you.

Sports Massage for back pain recovery

Back pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and injury. Sports massage is a type of massage therapy that can be effective in reducing back pain.

Sports massage uses a variety of techniques to increase circulation, reduce muscle tension, and improve flexibility. This can help to relieve pain and stiffness in the back, and it can also help to improve range of motion.

There are a number of benefits to using sports massage for back pain recovery. These benefits include:

• Pain relief: Sports massage can help to reduce pain and stiffness in the back. This is because it increases circulation and reduces muscle tension.

• Improved range of motion: Sports massage can help to improve range of motion in the back. This is because it increases flexibility and loosens up tight muscles.

• Reduced stress: Sports massage can help to reduce stress. This is because it releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.

• Improved sleep: Sports massage can help to improve sleep. This is because it relaxes the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep.

If you are experiencing back pain, sports massage can be a helpful treatment option. It is important to find a qualified sports massage therapist who can assess your individual needs and provide the appropriate treatment and thats exactly what we do here at MyBody-Balance.

Best Ways to Increase Lymphatic Drainage

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